Oral History Interviews
Luis Alfaro
Rubén Amavizca (Grupo de Teatro SINERGIA / Frida Kahlo Theater)
Vibiana Aparicio Chamberlin (Teatro de los Niños)
Aníbal Aprile (*Interview in Spanish)
Christine Avila
Robert Beltrán
Denise Blasor
Carlos Brown
Juliette Carrillo
Jesus Castaños Chima (*Interview in Spanish)
Theresa Chavez - About…Productions
Culture Clash
Corky Dominguez
Evelina Fernández - Latino Theater Company
Alejandra Flores (*Interview in Spanish)
Margarita Galbán - Bilingual Foundation of the Arts (*Interview in Spanish)
José Cruz González
Sara Guerrero - Breath of Fire
Marabina Jaimes
Luisa Leschin
Emanuel Loarca - Teatro Akabal
José López
Josefina López - Casa 0101
Sal López
Alma Martinez
Margarita Lamas
Armando Molina
Odalys Nanín - MACHA Theatre Company
Rose Portillo
Jesus Reyes - East L.A. Rep
Sergio Serdio - Teatro del Barrio (*Interview in Spanish)
Estela Scarlata - Bilingual Foundation of the Arts (*Interview in Spanish)
Jorge Luis Rodríguez - Stage of the Arts (*Interview in Spanish)
Lucy Rodríguez - Latino Theater Company
Pepe Serna
Blanca Soto - Tierra Blanca Arts Center (*Interview in Spanish)
Rosemary Soto Rodríguez - Teatro Urbano
José Luis Valenzuela - Latino Theater Company
Carla Valentine
Beatríz Vásquez
Julia Vera